V6 Degausser
The most powerful manual hard drive degausser, designed to fully and securely erase computer hard drives and DLT tapes. With an incredible 7000 gauss, this degausser is also capable of erasing tapes, Audio, DAT, VHS and S-VHS, VHS Digital, 4&8mm, Beta SP/digital, video cassettes, floppy disks. Computer cartridges: DC, TK 50/70/85, DLT 3489/3490/3590.
SM Degausser
The NSA APPROVED model is a high energy, hard drive pulse degausser designed to offer complete and secure erasure of magnetic media, to the highest certified level, including perpendicular recording hard drives. It is also capable of erasing data storage media including LTO, 8mm, DDS and more.
VM Degausser
This degausser for High Coercivity Tape is designed to erase a broad range of magnetic media, including high-density metal tapes and PC hard disk drives. It’s NATO, CESG and SEAP (UK) approved for security erasure applications. It is fast, simple to use and provides a thoroughly effective and low-cost means of degaussing.
DS Degausser
Compact and easy to use pulse discharge degausser. It is the most powerful compact continuous degausser for Hard Drive and Backup Tapes. It uses state of the art pulse discharge technology to achieve a complete secure erasure. Media that can be erased includes both Hard Drives that use Perpendicular and Longitudinal recording techniques up to 5000 Oersted’s and all common backup tapes.
DG Degausser
It is a fully automatic degausser for Hard Drives and Backup Tapes. It uses pulse discharge technology and is fully processor controlled which enables it to offer a complete and secure erase on magnetic media. Media that can be degaussed includes Hard Drives that use both perpendicular and vertical recording techniques and most common backup tapes including DLT, LTO, 8mm, DDS and more.
Degausser Storage and Transport Case
Designed to get your degausser from site-to-site easily and safely. Now available, transport cases for selected models of degausser.
These sturdy black and silver Transport Cases are designed to get your degausser from site-to-site with ease and safety, or just storing your degausser. Secured by strong butterfly latches, these transport cases are custom fit for these degaussers.